
Cody Middle School and Yuxin Middle School

Addtime: Hits:7012
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
  • President Yanxing trained the students with security concept and self-defense techniques.
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Enrollment/Defense of Security Officers Enrollment/Defense of Security Officers